
Black Twitter promptly ran back a variety of moments recounting Limbaugh's racist, sexist, xenophobic rhetoric which continually harmed Black communities.


Rush Limbaugh was a lightning rod for controversy -- and racism -- over his career that spanned nearly five decades.

Georgia Rep. Lucy McBath, penned an emotional birthday letter to her son, Jordan Davis, a teenager killed by a white man angry over the volume of the music in the car in which he was a passenger in 2012.

Capitol Police Officer Eugene Goodman was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his heroics during the attempted coup at the Capitol on Jan. 6

With Black History Month upon us, there may be no better time to reflect on the timeless and seemingly endless contributions that Black people have bestowed upon these United States.


Vaccine distribution is not keeping up with the impact of COVID-19 on Black and other communities of color.

Cori Bush moved her office farther away from QAnon conspiracy theorist Marjorie Taylor Greene in a growing movement to have the Georgia Rep. expelled from Congress for "advocacy for extremism and sedition."


President Joe Biden Biden rescinded the Mexico City policy, also known as the “global gag rule,” which prevents non-governmental organizations that receive U.S. aid from providing abortion-related services.


Fresh off of losing several high-profile elections, Georgia Republicans have now turned their sights on trying to make absentee ballots use more difficult to cast.

The recent in-custody death of Brittany Kittrell in North Carolina has prompted more questions than answers and reignited the debate around cash bail and the deadly effect it can have on suspects.