About Bilal G. Morris

Bilal Morris is the senior editor at NewsOne. He is based in Atlanta and covers Black folklore, politics, and race. He also specializes in SEO and evergreen content. Bilal was hired by Interactive One in 2021, but has worked for the company for over 10 years. He started at Radio One in 2010 as an Online Editor in Richmond, VA. Before his time at NewsOne, Bilal was the Regional Online Editor In Atlanta, GA. He has also worked at iHeartRadio in New York City. He is a professional photographer, dog lover, gamer, and has quite the green thumb. You can find him on Instagram and Twitter.

Being a private entity doesn't mean that a corporate space can do anything it pleases, particularly as shown by large social media sites that have a direct impact on elections and Democracy itself.

Here are some countries that will welcome any Black Americans looking to relocate abroad.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there have been nearly 100,306 drug overdose-related deaths in the United States since April 2021.

As you’re preparing for the week ahead check out these five stories you may have missed.